Friday, January 28, 2011


       My current programming exsperiences are lengthy in time but limited in languages. so far all i have done is graphing calculator programs with my TI-84 wich only does basic through the programming interface right on the  device or assembly through the interface writer on the computer. i worked mostly with the basic (because i could do it in class.) but i also toyed around with asembly but only got one program to actually work. joys of code right. but what I'de really enjoy doing if programming aplications for my droid. i think it would be fun to have your friends running something you created.
      programming has now come somewhat of an obsolete job for americans due to the massive fiscal gain by outsourcing to overseas countries like india. although programming itself has been outsourced doesnt mean it wont help you in other ocupations. software development teams (even though they dont actually write out the programming.) are much more likely to get the job if they know how to and what is possible to do with certain os's and such. Google, Verizon, Apple, and Yahoo. all hire a huge amount of people whom dont nessesarly program things but knowing how to deffinatly assists them.
       I own a playstation 3 that i have hooked up to a micro projector and sround sound in my room. im a RPG type of person which is why the elder scrolls series has to be my favorite. Cant wait for Skryme to come out 11/11/11 at 11:11!!! but at the moment ive been playing fallout new vegas alot.
      My favorite movies of all time have to be Lord of the Rings and Star Wars. both of whom special effects green screens and computer generated graphics in them to place backgrounds triple the army size or make a glowing blade come from a handle.